Sort Your Notes

With Ease

With Notely, you can sort your notes by category, date or title. Our platform offers a user friendly interface that makes note management a breeze. Create and manage your notes with ease.


Notely is a modern, feature-rich application designed to streamline your note-taking process. Built with Next.js 14, SuperBase, KindeAuth, Prisma ORM & Shadcdn UI.


Notely allows you to have your notes secured. This means that only you can access your notes.


You can manage your notes from our dashboard. This makes it easy to keep track of your notes.


Notely allows you to customize your settings. Try out different settings.


Notely allows you to bookmark your notes. This makes it easy to access your favorite notes.


Notely allows you to sort your notes by category, date or title. Find your notes.


Notely allows you to create, save, edit & delete notes at your convenience.


Some of the most common questions about Notely are answered below. Feel free to reach out if you have any other questions.

What is Notely?

Notely is a modern note-taking app that allows you to quickly and easily jot down your thoughts, ideas, and tasks.

How do I create a new notes & Is there a limit to how many notes I can create in Notely?

You can create a new note by clicking on the New Note button in your dashboard and then typing your note into the text field that appears. Free accounts may have a limit, while premium accounts typically allow for unlimited notes.

Is my data secure with Notely & Can I access my notes offline?

Yes, Notely takes data security very seriously. Your notes are stored securely and are only accessible by you. Notely does only allows you to access your notes online and you can always have access to your notes when online.